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You and your company are served by the Business Center’s team of top experts. Contact us!
Business Center Pohjois-Savo
Microkatu 1,
70210 KUOPIO,
puh. +358 44 785 6922

Kaija Sääski
Business Center, johtaja
Management, HR, networks, partnerships
In addition to Business Center leadership, I'm the manager of Savonia UAS’ technology, business, and tourism & hospitality industry. I am also a non-fiction author. My expertise includes management, leadership, competence development, utilization of multidisciplinary competence and vocational education. I have a Licentiate in Social Sciences. My favorite color is turquoise blue and hobby is versatile exercise.

Harri Holopainen
Business Center, innovation advisor
Development of the initial business idea, cooperation with educational institutions
I have worked in sales, customer service and ICT projects. In particular, I believe that the quality of sales and customer service is an important whole for an SME. I am interested in creativity and the innovations it enables, as well as business that is created through innovations. Favorite color blue, favorite hobby cycling.

Jarkko Pellikka
Business Center, expert on Entrepreneurship & Innovations
Commercialization of innovations, ecosystem and R&D cooperation
I coach the clients of the Business Center in innovation commercialization and student entrepreneurship development. Developing key competencies and business growth opportunities is essential in my work. My mission is to accelerate student entrepreneurship, raise the level of entrepreneurship teaching and research, and support the growth and development of the region.
Entrepreneurship education strategy

Matti Laitinen
Business Center, innovation advisor
Development of startup and growth companies, commercialization of innovations, stakeholder and event cooperation (Fin & Eng), entrepreneurship and innovation education practices and strategy
My strengths are business concept design, creative experimentation, service design, service sales, marketing and networks. I can help people find networks and create new phenomena related to, e.g., entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation. I compile the practices of entrepreneurship and innovation education in Pohjois-Savo and develop the services of the area’s RDI environments. My favorite color is blue and I enjoy hiking.

Heli Laine
University of Eastern Finland, Business Cooperation Coordinator
Stakeholder and event cooperation, networks, partnerships
I am involved in the Business Center as a representative of the University of Eastern Finland. My job description includes strengthening the cooperation between the business world and universities, as well as the culture of innovation. In practice, it means e.g. development of various support services and supporting multidisciplinary cooperation through various events and meetings. I have previous work experience in the field of trade and in the administration of a university hospital in the management of health scientific research.

Maarit Manninen
Business Center, Business Specialist
Development of startup and growth companies, financing, stakeholder cooperation
My expertise is business development and various sources of funding. I get excited about innovations and multidisciplinary cooperation. I work as a Business Promotion Officer in BusinessKuopio. I have a M.Sc. in Economics and Social Sciences. My favorite color is red and I enjoy making crafts.

Marja-Leena Laitinen
BusinessKuopio, business advisor
Development of startup and growth companies, financing, stakeholder cooperation
I am a keen business developer. I help clients clarify their business-related development needs by building development entities together with them. I also help them apply for funding to ensure the success. I'm involved in our region’s startup actions, ecosystem development, and on FiBAN cooperation. My favorite color is blue and hobby is wandering in nature.

Marja Kauppinen
Business Center, business advisor
Commercialization of the business idea, business development, strategy expertise in all phases of the company’s life cycle
I work at BC as an entrepreneurship expert, developer of entrepreneurship studies and as a teacher. I have strong strategic skills at all stages of a company life cycle - I have gained my experience as an entrepreneur and by working in business development services. I also have a Master’s degree in innovation management. My favorite color is dark blue.

Risto Räsänen
Business Center, business advisor
Students’ practice business activities, teaching of entrepreneurship studies
I'm in Business Center part of the entrepreneurship learning environment development team. I consider it important that students have the opportunity to acquire the widest possible entrepreneurial skills already during their studies. At Savo Vocational College, I instruct students in various entrepreneurship courses and in training company activities.

Sirpa Muiniekka
Business Center, expert on entrepreneurship
Business development, company profitability, financial management
I am a M.Sc. Economics and business administration lecturer in Savo Vocational College. I have previously worked as a financial manager, change manager and CEO. My expertise is e.g. building a business idea, company profitability, business development, financial affairs and personnel management. My favorite color is dark blue and hobby is walking in a woods.

Tomi Tuovinen
Business Center, innovation advisor
Promotion of early business ideas, pitching, international activities
I work at the Business Center as a representative of the University of Eastern Finland, mainly with the development of early business ideas, Havuja Bootcamp and the researcher and student interface. My professional interests include e.g. general promotion of business ideas, small entrepreneurship, marketing and internationality. I am also a semi-professional musician and therefore a side entrepreneur: I sing and play guitar, and I actively gig alone and with a band.

Kaja Rahkema
Business Center, Iisalmi campus contact person
SIMHE instructor (Supporting Immigrants in Higher Education) and Finnish language lecturer
I have worked for a long time with international experts, the last few years as a SIMHE instructor among highly educated Northern Savonians with a international background, with whom we find out the possibilities of studying Finnish and the parallelization and legalization of existing university degrees - teachers, doctors, nurses, etc. The difficulty of employment often comes up in the conversation and then entrepreneurship is a good option to work in your own field. I also work as a KAVA trainer for International experts in working life, and the training also includes an entrepreneurship path. Our goal is to get our language-proficient and well-educated experts to become a part of Northern Savo through employment and thus support the growth and development of the region."

Petteri Heino
Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, R&D expert
I have worked in Savonia's business services and development projects for a long time and throughout the 2000s, especially in the development of the energy industry. In my work, I want to help companies with the challenges of the green transition, act as a point of contact for students in the field, and be involved in networks that secure the operating conditions of the Eastern Finnish technology industry in the future as well.

Krista Jauhiainen
Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, project specialist
I work at the Savonia University of Applied Sciences in Iisalmi with RDI activities in the natural resources sector. In my work, I meet different companies and entrepreneurship, because agriculture contains plenty of that. I want to help and support both traditional and new entrepreneurship. At the Business Center, I act as a contact and networker, especially for students in the natural resources field.

Eija Heilio
Iisalmen kaupunki, business expert
I work as a contact person for Business Center in Iisalmi. I work in Iisalmi's business services, and my clients include both clients who are planning to start their own business and are in the founding phase, as well as entrepreneurs who have been in business for a long time. I help e.g. in making business plans and profitability calculations, in matters related to business development, funding applications and various changes in companies. In addition, my work includes a lot of cooperation with various stakeholders and tasks related to regional development.

Marika Ropponen
Savon ammattiopisto, entrepreneurship expert
I work at Savo Vocational College in management and expert work (personnel management, marketing, responsibility) in teaching, guidance and development work. I have worked in business life as an entrepreneur and in various managerial roles for over 25 years all over Finland. My expertise is related to e.g. for responsible operations, personnel management and marketing, but thanks to my background and network, I can help you in several themes. I swim in natural waters all year round, lift heavy things at the gym and make almost all my clothes myself.

Katja Niiranen
Navitas yrityspalvelut, business expert
I work as a business expert at the development company Navitas Development owned by the city of Varkaus. In my work, I help companies develop their business, network and increase their skills. I cooperate a lot with various stakeholders and my cooperation network is quite extensive. I also work in regional development, in various positions. In the Business Center, I work as a contact person for the Varkaus area and I will be happy to help you, please feel free to contact me!

Jalili Parastoo
Business Kuopio, business advisor
In addition to my responsibilities at the Business Center, I also work as a business advisor at Business Kuopio. As a team member, I contribute to promoting startups in the North-Savo region by fostering connections between companies. I'm actively involved in coordinating diverse events, both on a regional and international scale, aimed at cultivating collaboration and showcasing the business potential within the region. Outside of work, I'm passionate about nature, sports, travel, cooking, baking, and, of course, cats!”