From idea to business

Versatile services from business idea development to company growth and renewal.

To whom are Business Center's services intended for?

For entrepreneurs

For those with a business idea

For students, teachers, researchers

What services does Business Center offer?

Business idea development

Expert advice, extensive networks and programmatic service to develop a business idea from the idea stage to the next levels.

Business coaching

Business Center Pohjois-Savo's business coaching services are aimed at all companies interested in business growth. We serve for example in business development and the commercialization of innovations.

Network cooperation

For small and start-up companies, networks are often critically important. The goal of the network cooperation is to help companies in the region find important contacts and succeed and create a strong entrepreneurial culture in the North Savo region.

Business studies

Check out our courses!

How can I join?

Do you have a business idea that you want to develop? Or a company you want to renew?

Business Center offers versatile services from the development of your business idea to the growth and renewal of your company.

You don’t need to have a ready-made business plan – an idea is enough!

Contact our service network

At Business Center, we meet you confidentially and personally. Our services are free of charge!

Contact us

Follow-up steps to take your business idea forward

Our team forms a summary of the customer’s current situation and needs and we agree on concrete measures and goals for the future. We also bring in the networks that best serve your business or business idea.


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